All the things to discuss
- 2 minsAll the things to discuss, or is that disqus! This started out as a simple post in my head then it grew.
I was also going to try categories all the things, but as with most subjects the spheres of concern appear to be a Venn diagram of a whole! or is that a hole!
Multitennancy wikipedia sums this up pretty well!
The term "software multitenancy" refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance. With a multitenant architecture, a software application is designed to provide every tenant a dedicated share of the instance - including its data, configuration, user management, tenant individual functionality and non-functional properties. Multitenancy contrasts with multi-instance architectures, where separate software instances operate on behalf of different tenants.
Add to that complexity, that I want to in a post discuss Puppet, and the Roles and Profiles pattern. Code Management and deployment pipelines when each tenant owns a different component. Finally add into that mix assurance and monitoring of the tenants sphere of concern, and the subject turns into a mammoth. So we’ll definitely come back to that.
Adoption is another subject I find passion for, adoption of configuration management in general but especially Puppet. The pathway from nothing to configuration management and how to approach that iteratively when time and commitment are precious, oh so precious. — Monitoring Puppet, no not with Puppet but of Puppet. Let’s not just think of process and system alerting but how do we actually monitor assurance, and how can we use additional monitoring for additional assurance. This subject merges into the tenants boundary discussion so it will feature at some point. —
Devops best practices and general information, I posted about Gareth Rushgroves excellent Devops Weekly before http://abuxton.github.io/devops-weekly/. The archive for which is still not being kept upto (I spoke to him, he’s busy) so I may post irregularly with snippets or TL;DR of some subjects from there.